Friday, August 10, 2007


car-sharing like the "mitfahrzentrale" are general a good thing - travelling for less money. yeah, but of course, when thomas wants to use such things its not working out. means what? waited yesterday for two hours for my ride to berlin - when i called him first he told me he will be late.... another few calls he didnt pick up anymore - what an asshole..... really. so i am back at daniels and hopefully catching a train in two hours..... we'll see, because there was problems with the internetreservation yesterday night.... lucky me....
how was holland? good, not a typical vacation, but a good mixture between relaxing time and party time. rotterdam and amsterdam are really very contrary cities - both have its charme. r'dam, very calm, very modern buildings, but also classical hollandhouselivingareas, not a l ot of tourists..... a'dam, crowded, party, and gives me a feeling of beeing home ;-). yeah and i didnt watch so much tv for a long time..... okidok i have to pack my stuff.... more details soon. cheers

Sunday, August 05, 2007

gaypride a'dam

what a weekend. amsterdam is crowded. especially if there is gaypride..... lets say estimations report 350.000 to 500.000 people. - well, for a demonstration not bad ;-) we started next to the canals watching the boats and ended up in the regulierdwarsstraat - for the afterparty - which was more crowded than a chicken-factory.... but with some beer you dont feel it anymore that you get bumped every 3 seconds. after we realized that in the bars - like the soho - its more relaxed we changed indoor. i finished the sixpack from albert hijn (a really stylish supermarket chain like meinl am graben in vienna, just not as expensive), another few drinks in the soho and i decided to go back to r'dam. yeah i was supertired and anyway also ran out of money.... (they catched me on the train without ticket... grrhhhh) ok this is not gonna be a very exciting story ;-)

BUT by the way big thx to antoine and rene for hosting me in amsterdam!!!

so for now i decided party enough here. so my plan for the next/last days is to do some culture.... visting at least one museum and yeah, off course, check out some architecture stuff..... that's what r'dam is famous for

so, will leave now to the park/lake... having some picnick with daniel & pascal


ah yeah, of course some other pics.....

Thursday, August 02, 2007

back to wasteland

hey my dears

time to use that blog again! a lot of you didnt hear from me for a long time, because i am a really lazy ass with writing mails. gonna try to write here more of my biggest happenings ;-) first i wanted to say that i will not make it to austria in august (but i will come in september, and than for a week) - why? because as you can see on the picture i'm back to wasteland..... visiting my good old friend daniel. right now we are at his place in rotterdam and tomorrow i'll go to the gaypride in amsterdam. it is fun and strange at the same time to be in the netherlands again, especially a'dam.... but i do good, a lot relaxing time.... and i have here television (in comparison to berlin where i dont)!

how i start.... i left sunday night by "mitfahrgelegenheit" in an a-class mercedes for 30€ and after about 6 hours i was kicked out at the central station in amsterdam.... not so great because at 6am nothing is opened yet. anyway, daniel picked me up and we ran through the city - a funny memorial-tour ;-). after 3hours we finally find a possibilty for breakfast.... yeah, same day at 6pm we started the happy hour tour in the regulierwardstraat (april & soho) than to the hotspot and back for the final to the exit (karin and martin know that one).... was a quite rough but funny night!
so what else happening in my rollercoaster-life? YES, i am still selling ice-cream. YES, still in berlin. YES, still single.... anyway. here some impressions of my first days/nights here in holland....

früher mein lieblingscafe in a'dam, heute: wok to walk

can somebody tell me the former name?

pascal in "another kurt cobain movie"

erasmusbrugge - r'dam is by the way architecture city 2007

and some other moments

so my dears, tomorrow i'll go to a'dam, will stay there until sunday....

have fun dudes!

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

sound of music

sodala... gestern war ja ein abend voller fragen die teilweise noch offen sind.... hier mein erster beitrag zu den kuriositäten:

warum gibt es "sound of music" auf amazon nur im original (englisch)?

am anfang, also 1949, stand die veröffentlichung des buches "die trapp familie" von maria a. trapp. darauf basierend drehten 2 deutsche die filme: "die trapp familie" und die fortsetzung "die trapp familie in amerika" .... sie sind sozusagen die erfolgreichsten filme seit dem 2. wk....

danach kam der broadway und inszenierte ein musical namens "sounds of music" auch supererfolgreich und irgendwie bekam dann twentieth century fox die rechte und drehte den musical-film "sound of music" .... auch volltollerfolgreich

also kurz gesagt es gibt zu einem buch vier interpretationen.....
und zum abschluss der höhepunkt: ab 26.02. läuft "sound of music" an der wiener volksoper

Thursday, September 30, 2004

schauts euch den film an!

zuerst einmal danke an babsi für die karten!!! es war echt ein oarger film, hab mir ja vorher nicht viel gedacht - total verschachtelte story.... schwule, transvestiten, sex, drogen und unser guter alter freund - die kirche is auch dabei! der film läuft in OmU und is echt grenzgenial, wenig worte - einfach anschauen und gänsehaut bekommen!

stadteilorientierte jugendarbeit (?) - feldforschung im 10. Bez.

zwecks unsrem forschungsprojekt an der fh erkundeten wir ein irish pub im 10. wiener gemeindebezirk - ein grenzerlebnis der besonderen art welches mit einem ska-konzert endete. ska scheint in favoriten eher nicht so bekannt zu sein, auch nicht der zugehörige poggo-tanz. die band - the supatones - liessen zwar lange auf sich warten (viereindreiviertelstunden), .... hat sich aber voll ausgezahlt!

ergebnis: es gab alkoholisierte jugendliche. wir freuen uns auf die zusammenarbeit!

liebe dani, liebe andrea der offizielle titel unserer forschungswerkstatt lautet "Erforschung des Stadtteils aus dem lebensweltlichen Blickwinkel von Jugendlichen" - gut zu wissen nach einem jahr!

the rest of the best under

Sunday, September 26, 2004

ein film - zwölf stunden - vierundzwanzig themen

ein anstrengender aber doch lustiger wiener fotomarathon 2004.... zum thema sicherheit mussten wir uns aus dem karlsplatzkammerl ein paar kondome ausleihen, aber auch anitas office musste für die vogelperspektive herhalten - viel herumgelaufe & ein schweres ideen-burn out konnten uns aber nicht davon abhalten anschließend noch im subzero abzufeiern!!!

ein paar andere fotos gibts noch unter vü spass!